Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sri Vilas Ingle General Secretary of IP/ASP association visited Postal Directorate on 10.04.2012 and met with the Secretary (Posts), Member (P) and other Senior Officers. The latest position of various pending issues of IP/ASP cadre as reported in CHQ Blog is as follows:
1. Up-gradation of Grade pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-
File is still under process in the Department.
2. Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B cadre
Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B cadre for 20-22 posts will be held in near future.
3. PS Group ‘B’ Examination 2012 scheduled to be held on 3/6/2012
Notification is likely to be issued shortly along with number of vacancies by DE Division.
4. DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B for the year 2012.
Letter to Circles for submission of ACRs/APARs will be issued by the Postal Directorate soon.
5. DPC for promotion to JTS Group ‘A’.
Requisite information has already been submitted to the UPSC by the Department.
6. Revision in rates of honorarium to be paid to Invigilators/Supervisors
Orders are likely to be issued soon by the Department.
7. Revised Recruitment Rules for PS Gr. B cadre
Initially, there were 790 PS Gr. B posts in the Department. As on date, 866 posts are available. It means 76 posts were created by the Department since 1994. Department requires copies of memos of creation of these posts except 20 posts created vide memo no. 33-5/94-PE-II dated 26/9/1996 ( i.e. 14 APMG posts downgraded to AD and 6 SSPOs posts downgraded to SPOs). After receipt of creation memos of 56 posts, revised Recruitment Rules for PS Gr. B cadre will be submitted to the UPSC/DOPT for approval. Hence, all CHQ Office Bearers & Circle Secretaries are requested to ascertain the details of creation of all PS Gr. B posts in their Circle since 1994 and submit the same to the CHQ.
8. Repatriation of surplus qualified IPs posted in other Circles to their home
No proposal is under consideration in the Postal Directorate for repatriation as the issue comes under Rule 38 . However, CHQ will take up this issue with the Department subject to availability of list of all IPs working outside their home Circles with complete details and availability of vacancies in their home Circles. All Circle Secretaries are requested to consolidate the information and submit the same to the CHQ.
9. Restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre
It is still under consideration in the Postal Directorate. However, all Circle Secretaries are requested to submit their views, proposals to the CHQ in this regard.

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