Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Core banking solutions in six post offices of Nagpur Region from June
NAGPUR: Six post offices of Nagpur region are among the 124 offices in the country where India Post will be first implementing core banking solutions (CBS). This initiative is part of postal department efforts towards modernization of its services.
In the pilot phase, eight postal circles have been selected. They include Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. The six offices from Nagpur Region are Nagpur City head office (HO), Nagpur GPO; Gondia HO, Khamgaon HO, Wardha HO and Yavatmal HO. Offices coming under these HOs will be also covered under the project.
"In CBS, the small saving scheme customers would be able to conduct transactions of their accounts from any other post office which is also covered under the system. Other offices will be covered under CBS in another two more phases," Post Master General of Nagpur Region M. E. Haque said.
In Nagpur Region, the CBS is scheduled to become operational by June. According to the department officials, everything is on track. "We hope to implement the system as per schedule unless there is some glitch. TheNational Institute for Smart Government (NISG) is helping us in this process while TCS is conducting training of our employees," said Haque.
The CBC process might also prove to be the groundwork for the entry of the postal department into banking services as it has already got approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). "Definitely, this is a part of the foundation work. Among all the central government departments we have the biggest network in the country and deepest penetration in rural areas. So, we have a ready-made infrastructure for such an endeavour. But no other directive has come to us from the top in this regard," Haque said.
There are also plans to introduce ATMs, about 1000 of them, in all HOs, said Haque adding, "ATM reduces the cost of transaction for the postal department. While each counter transaction costs about Rs.25/-, ATM transaction costs Rs.10-14/- per transaction."
Source : The Times of India, 28 April, 2013
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Dear Candidates,
Disclaimer: - All the Information provided in this post are Compiled by A. Praveen Kumar, SPM, Papannapet SO-502303 (Medak Division, Mob no. 9849636361, 8019549939) for in good faith of Postal Assistant exam aspirants. Author of blog does not accepts any responsibility in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the contents.
Postal Assistant Aptitude Test (Paper I) for Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu circles was held on 21 April 2013.
A request was made by a candidate regarding Cut off marks, Computer typing test pattern of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant Exam 2013 and Salary structure of newly appointed Postal Assistant. I provided the details below. I hope these details will serve the preparing candidates well.
A common merit list for the whole circle (State) will be prepared and candidates will be called for computer test in 1:5 ratio on the basis of merit scored in Aptitude test held on 21/04/2013. No weightage of marks secured by the Applicants in 10+2 examination will be given while preparing the Merit List.
As per my expectation the Cut off marks would be (opinion only, not to be sure and the cut off marks will be vary for each State depending on the Competition)
OC Candidates:-
Expected Cut off marks would be above 70 marks subject to
Qualifying marks of 10 in each part i.e. G.K, Mathematics, English, Reasoning and 40% in aggregate
OBC Candidates:-
Expected Cut off marks would be between 65 to 70 marks subject to
Qualifying marks of 9 in each part i.e. G.K, Mathematics, English, Reasoning 38% in aggregate
SC / ST Candidates :-
Expected Cut off marks would be between 58 to 65 marks subject to
Qualifying marks of 8 in each part i.e. G.K, Mathematics, English, Reasoning and 33% in aggregate
Typing Test Pattern: -
Typing test will be divided in to two sections:
1) Computer typing Test:
This test will evaluate Candidate’s Computer typing efficiency. Candidates are required to type a passage in English/Hindi (450 words passage for English & 375 words passage for Hindi) within the duration of 15 minutes.
Typing Speed: - Recommended typing speed for selection is 25-30 words per minute (WPM).
Only candidates opting for Hindi script test will have to give Hindi typing test. It’s upon your personal preference. English typing is considered easier to learn and pass. You can choose either English or Hindi for typing test.
The typing test and test of data entry operations will be conducted on Computer key board but not on type writer.
2) Data-Entry test:
This test will evaluate Candidates data-entry efficiency. Candidates are required to type figures, letters and manuscript data within the duration of 15 minutes.
Be prepared for computer typing test very hard. Best of luck to the
all aspirants. Download typing master from the following link
all aspirants. Download typing master from the following link
The salary structure of a Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) is based on the following parameters:
B.P = Basic Pay
D.A = Dearness Allowance
H.R.A = House Rent Allowance
T.A = Travelling Allowance
The above are used for calculating the total salary of a Postal/Sorting Assistant
PA/SA’s are included in the Pay Scale of 5200-20200 with a grade pay of 2400.
1) Basic Pay (BP) = 9910 (7510 + 2400)
2) Dearness Allowance = Dearness Allowance (DA) is given by the Government in every six months ie, in January and July every year. From Jan 2013, the Dearness Allowance is 80%. Thus the present DA is 80% of 9910 which works out to 7928.
3) House Rent Allowance (HRA) = HRA is calculated based on the city where you are working. In India the cities have been classified into three categories as “X”, “Y” and “Z”.
X' Cities - 30% HRA
Cities Classified as "X"
Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad (UA)
Delhi (UA)
Bangaluru (UA)
Greater Mumbai (UA)
Chennai (UA)
West Bengal
Kolkatta (UA)
Y' Cities - 20% HRA
Cities Classified as "Y"
Andhra Pradesh
Vijayawada (UA, Warangal, (UA), Vishkhapatnam (UA), Guntur
Guwahati (UA)
Patna (UA)
Durg-Bhilai Nagar (UA), Raipur (UA)
Ahmedabad (UA), Rajkot (UA), Jamnagar (UA), Bhavnagar (UA), Vadodara (UA), Surat (UA)
Jammu & Kashmir
Srinagar (UA), Jammu (UA)
Jamshedpur (UA), Dhanbad (UA), Ranchi (UA)
Belgaum (UA), Hubli-Dharwad, Mangalore (UA), Mysore (UA)
Kozhikode (UA), Kochi (UA), Thiruvananthapuram (UA)
Madhya Pradesh
Gwalior (UA), Indore (UA), Bhopal (UA), Jabalpur (UA)
Amravati, Nagpur (UA), Aurangabad (UA), Nashik (UA), Bhiwandi (UA), Pune (UA), Solapur, Kolhapur (UA)
Cuttack (UA), Bhubaneswar (UA)
Amritsar (UA), Jalandhar (UA), Ludihiana
Pondicherry (UA)
Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur (UA), Kota (UA)
Salem (UA), Tiruppur (UA), Coimbatore (UA), Madurai (UA)
Dehradun (UA)
Uttar Pradesh
Moradabad, Meerut (UA), Ghaziabad*, Aligarh, Agra (Ua), Bareilly (UA), Lucknow (UA), Kanpur (UA), Allahabad (UA), Gorakhpur, Varanasi (UA)
West Bengal
Asansol (UA)
Remaining cities – Z' Cities - 10% HRA
In X cities = 30 % of 9910 = 2973
In Y Cities = 20 % of 9910 = 1982
In Z Cities = 10 % of 9910 = 991
Travelling Allowance = TA is fixed as Rs.800 + the DA % of 800. So at present TA is 800 + 80% of 800 = 1440.
Gross Salary works out to: (For Newly Appointed PA)
In X class cities salary will be = 9910+7928+2973+1440 =
Rs. 22251
In Y class cities will be = 9910+7928+1982+1440 =
Rs. 21260
In Z class cities will be = 9910+7928+991+1440
= Rs. 20269
Proposal for functioning of post offices as banks: Govt reply in Rajya Sabha
Department of Posts raised a proposal for setting up the Post Bank of India and providing banking services with a network of 1.55 lakh post offices with special focus on rural areas and financial inclusion.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has informed that all commercial banks have been constituted by the Government by various Acts of the Parliament.
Hence, to set up the Post Bank of India (PBI) by an Act of Parliament, necessary legislation will need to be framed and passed by the Parliament.
Or to set up the Post Bank as banking company, the same would require a banking licence from RBI as per RBI’s extant guidelines issued in February, 2013.
RBI is of the view that it is useful to take up a detailed Cost Benefit Analysis on the proposal.
In addition, viability and strategic study, market research, business plan and profitability analysis including business projections for next 4-5 years needs to be carried out to assess the commercial viability of the proposal.
The above information was submitted by Fin Min in reply of undermentioned Rajya Sabha Questions:-
Functioning of post offices as banks
(a) the reasons for not allowing Indian Post Office system to function as a banking system to mop upmoney lying idle with people while the declared policy of the Union Government is inclusive development and extension of banking operations to all rural people;
(b) whether post would be enrolled as one among the new banks with about 1,55,000 branches all over the country and with a good track record of successfully running Post Office Savings Bank for many years; and
(c) whether it is possible to substantially improve the quality of service of post offices in the process if so, the details thereof?
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (Shri Namo Narain Meena)
(a) to (c): **see above**
Source: Rajya Sabha Q&A [qref=191160]
(a) to (c): **see above**
Source: Rajya Sabha Q&A [qref=191160]
Friday, 26 April 2013

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