1) Dearness Allowance (DA) :
The rate of Dearness Allowance is granted at par with Central Govt. employees twice in a year.
2) Office Maintenance Allowance (OMA):
The Office Maintenance Allowance is granted to the BPMs @ Rs.100 per month
3) Cycle Maintenance Allowance (CMA) :
The Cycle Maintenance Allowance is granted to GDS MD / GDSMC (irrespective of distance traversed) who performs the duty on bicycle @ Rs.60 per month (now it is enhanced @Rs.75/- after all other allowances of regular employees raised to 25% when DA crossed 50%.)
4) Cash Conveyance Allowance (CCA) :
The Cash Conveyance Allowance is granted to BPMs @ Rs.50 per month (for cash conveyance to SO to BO vice versa)
5) Combined Duty Allowance (CDA) :
Where the BPM is entrusted with the duty / duties of GDSMD and / or GDSMC the CDA is granted as :
(a) BPM entrusted with the duty of Delivery :
(i) delivery only in cusba village @ Rs.250/- per month
(ii) having delivery in the BO jurisdiction i.e., other than cusba @ Rs.500/-
(b) BPM entrusted with the duty of bag conveyance :
(i) from SO / AO to BO @ Rs.500/- per month
(ii)from Road point / MMS @Rs.250/- per month
If both the duties viz., Delivery & Bag Conveyance are entrusted to BPM, he is eligible for both allowances as reckoned by the duty entrusted..
In case of GDSMD / GDSMC attached with the duties of BPM, @ Rs.25 per day subject to the maximum of Rs.625 per month would be paid (temporary office arrangement for shorter periods)
6) Boat Allowance :
Actual charges paid to the Boatman subject to a maximum of Rs.50 per month for conveyance of mail.
7) Compensation to Mail Carriers :
If the GDSMC detained beyond office hours for mail conveyance are allowed to grant Rs.6/- per hour per day subject to the maximum of Rs.12/-
8) Fixed Stationery charges (FSC) :
(i) In case of BPMs FSC is allowed @ Rs.50/- per month
(ii) In case of GDSMD, GDSMC/MD. GDSSV @ Rs.10/- per month.
9) Training Allowance :
While imparted training to GDS BPMs and other GDSs some allowance is sanctioned according to the TA/DA rules.
(Author's opinion)
The basic pay itself for the GDS is also called as an allowance.
Is there any provision in our Constitution or CCA Rules or State Laws or any pay rules that the basic allowance of an employee (?) in a Central Govt. department is allowed with many other allowances including 'Annual Increse' besides for calculation of retirement benefits ( eg: ex gratia gratuity) and ex gratia bonus with ceiling.
An employee (?) in this country drawing some amount for his service to the management as is viz., pay, wage, salary, remuneration, allowance, perks etc., perhaps this type of (pay) structure is exceptional to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
After a keen constitutional and judicial observation on the attitude of the Department , Justice Chandrajit sing Talwar(1996) has rightly pointed out that the department is still under ambiguity and confusion to decide the status of the EDAs (now called GDS) and except to accept that EDAs (GDS) are holders of civil post by extending all benefits to them.
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